Shortcut Utility untuk internet explorer dan firefox
Anda tentunya sudah familiar dengan program Internet Explorer dan Firefox. Namun, sudahkah Anda tahu beberapa command bisa menggunakan shortcut. Berikut Shortcut Utility untuk internet explorer dan firefox :
Ctrl + A—-Select all items on a webpag
Ctrl + C —-Copy a selected item to the clipboard
Ctrl + V—-Paste an item from the clipboard into a document
Ctrl + D—-Add the current page/document to your favorites
Ctrl + E—-Open the IE search utility
Ctrl + F —-Open the FIND box to search the current document
Ctrl + H—-Open the History utility
Ctrl + I —-Open the Favorites utility
Ctrl + L or Ctrl + O—-Go to a new location/document
Ctrl + N—-Open a new window
Ctrl + T[/b]—-Open a new tab
Ctrl + P—-To Print the current page/document
Ctrl + R or F5—-To Refresh the current page/document
Ctrl + S—-Save the current document/page
Ctrl + W—-Close the current window / tab
Alt + Home Key—-To go to your default homepage
Alt + Right arrow key—-To go forward one page
Alt + Left arrow key—-To go back one page
F11—-To get the full page view
Alt + Spacebar + X—-Window Maximize
Alt + Spacebar + R—-Window Restore
Alt + Spacebar + N—-Window Minimize

Demikian, semoga membantu ya Gan !